Champion Autism’s ARMY

Become an Officer today to help
With your help, B.I.A.N.C.A. can continue to leverage technology to provide the tools that enable autistic children to communicate with the world.

Champion Autism (space)
Champion Autism 35 John Smith
Provide Help
Give Hope
There’s no limit to a soldier’s success
We are asking every person who has ever wished for a better future for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to join forces and help achieve just that!
Your mission is simple . . . by using a text message to donate $35 annually (that’s a dime a day) and commit to recruiting 2 more soldiers to enlist in our army! Anyone enlisted to do this can achieve officer status upon completion of the above mission. Officer status not only gives you the satisfaction of helping others but also puts you on the list for our special events!
By creating a downstream income, you can be responsible for helping those with ASD become working, tax paying adults. If left as is, the lifetime of each person with ASD without the correct therapies will cost taxpayers a minimum of $3 million.
Join B.I.A.N.C.A’s ARMY to help treat people living with this disorder. Your donations and the following up of your support can help those on the spectrum make significant progress at any age!
Stand up and be counted!!
Non-verbal does not mean that I have nothing to say!!